Editor: ks. dr Tadeusz Ceynowa
Contents: 00_spis_tresci.pdf Year of publication: 2019 Number of pages: 266 ISBN: 978-83-951615-2-0 ISBN: 978-83-8127-364-0 ISSN: 2300-8296 |
Articles Author: Tomasz Tomaszewski Title: Gospel Jn. 19.25–27 in the liturgy of the Mass about the Holy Mary, painful Lady of Skrzatusz Number of pages: 13-25 Full text: 01_tomaszewski_tomasz.pdf |
Author: Łukasz Gąsiorowski Title: Tobias as a model of a man who makes mercy. Works of mercy in the book of Tobit Number of pages: 27-40 Full text: 02_gasiorowski_lukasz.pdf |
Author: Edward Sienkiewicz Title: Virginity of the Blessed Virgin Mary according to Hieronim of Strydon Number of pages: 41-55 Full text: 03_sienkiewicz_edward.pdf |
Author: Krzysztof Zadarko Title: From a collection of Skrzatusz sermons – Sermon on the sixth Sunday after Easter Number of pages: 57-75 Full text: 04_zadarko_krzysztof.pdf |
Author: Piotr Klejna Title: The Order of the Jesuits in Walcz (Wałcz) and its relations with Parishion in Skrzatusz based on Chronicle of the Jesuites in Walcz (Wałcz) Number of pages: 77-96 Full text: 05_klejna_piotr.pdf |
Author: Jarosław Wąsowicz Title: Fr Michał Winiarz SDB (1911–1988) Parish priest in Skrzatusz and the custodian of the sanctuary in years 1965–1972. Life and works Number of pages: 97-120 Full text: 06_wasowicz_jaroslaw.pdf |
Author: Wojciech Parfianowicz Title: At the turn of the media eras. 25 years of the “The Koszalin-Kolobrzeg (Kołobrzeg) Guest” Number of pages: 121-131 Full text: 07_parfianowicz_wojciech.pdf |
Author: Krzysztof Mazurkiewicz Title: The coats of arms of the auxiliary bishops of the Koszalin-Kolobrzeg (Kołobrzeg) Diocese in the perspective of church heraldry Number of pages: 133-144 Full text: 08_mazurkiewicz_krzysztof.pdf |
Author: Tadeusz Ceynowa Title: Calendar of Skrzatusz sanctuary in 2018 Number of pages: 145-157 Full text: 09_ceynowa_tadeusz.pdf |
Miscellanea Author: Oksana Karlina Title: The Testament of Kasper Kazimierz Cieciszowski, the bishop of Lutsk (Łuck) and Zhytomyr (Żytomierz) Number of pages: 161-174 Full text: 10_karlina_oksana.pdf |
Author: Anna Langa Title: Fruits of community life in the Communio Sororum Discipularum Crucis Number of pages: 175-193 Full text: 11_langa_anna.pdf |
Author: Wincenty Łaszewski Title: The influence of knowledge about the Fatima message the teaching of Primate August Hlond Number of pages: 195-210 Full text: 12_laszewski_wincenty.pdf |
Author: Oleh Razyhrayev Title: The activity of Roman and Greek Catholic chaplains in the prisoners of Eastern Galicia in the interwar period Number of pages: 211-224 Full text: 13_razyhrayev_oleh.pdf |
Reviews and reports Author: Tadeusz Ceynowa Title: Johannesbote Rundbrief des Heimatwerkes der Katholiken aus der Freien Prälatur Schneidemühl Prälatur Schneidemühl (Grenzmark Posen–Westpreuβen), Weihnachten 70(2018) Number of pages: 227-228 Full text: 14_ceynowa_tadeusz.pdf |
Author: Przemysław Bartosik Title: Marian Wiatr, Zygmunt Rola, We owe them the memory… written history of the war cemetery in Walcz (Wałcz), Walcz (Wałcz) 2018, pp. 324 Number of pages: 229-231 Full text: 15_bartosik_przemyslaw.pdf |
Author: Edwin Klessa Title: XXXVI Week of Christian Culture in Trzcianka Number of pages: 231-233 Full text: 16_klessa_edwin.pdf |
Annexes Annex 1 Title: Homily of Archbishop Grzegorz Ryś delivered during the Diocesan Youth Meeting in Skrzatusz, September 15, 2018 Number of pages: 237-242 Full text: 17_rys_grzegorz.pdf |
Annex 2 Title: Conference of Archbishop Grzegorz Ryś delivered during the diocesan pilgrimage to Skrzatusz before adoration, September 16, 2018 Number of pages: 242-245 Full text: 18_rys_grzegorz.pdf |
Annex 3 Title: Homily of Archbishop Grzegorz Ryś delivered during the diocesan pilgrimage to Skrzatusz, September 16, 2018 Number of pages: 245-248 Full text: 19_rys_grzegorz.pdf |
Annex 4 Title: Photographs Number of pages: 249-266 Full text: 20_fotografie.pdf |