Issue / The Skrzatusz Annals vol. XI 2023

Circles of the Apostolate of the Pilgrim Mother of God

in the Diocese of Koszalin-Kolobrzeg (Kołobrzeg)


      Zygmunt Czaja
      parafia pw. Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Kołobrzegu
      Page range: 209-221




The initiator of the Apostolate of the Pilgrim Mother of God is the Servant of God John Luiz Pozzobon (1904–1985), a Brazilian, family father and permanent deacon. In 1950, he was given an image of Our Lady of the Threefold Preciousness in a setting evocative of the Schoenstatt Shrine by a Schoenstatt sister to oversee the pilgrimage of the image through the families of his estate. Seeing the positive impact of this pastoral action on families, he decided to continue it. Beginning in 1959, he began forming circles for families, organizing 30 families to pass the shrine to each other and pray the rosary. His life shows how much one person can do as a con¬scious instrument in the hand of God. In 1978 this apostolate took hold in Europe and especially began to grow from 1997 as a response to Pope John Paul II’s call to prepare for the Jubilee of the 2000th anniversary of Christianity. In 2005, circles of the Pilgrim Mother of God appeared in the Diocese of Koszalin-Kolobrzeg (Kołobrzeg). In 2016, Sr. M. Celina Junik having received a canonical mission from the Ordinary of the diocese, Bishop Edward Dajczak, began the apostolate of the Circles of the Pilgrim Mother of God through the so-called Apostolic Sundays. As a result, as of April 28, 2023, we have 497 circles in 99 parishes in the diocese. The formative character of this type of apostolate is important, serving the inner development of each person involved who wants to consciously and ever more deeply live Marian devotion. This also trans¬lates into the introduction of Catholic social teaching into the life of small homelands.


Shrine of Our Lady of the Threefold Preciousness, shrines of the Pilgrim Mother of God, circles of the Apostolate of the Pilgrim Mother of God, pilgrimage graces, Apostolate of the Pilgrim Mother of God, circle guardian, parish and deanery coordinator


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