The review rules

The submitted articles must not have been previously published in any form or submitted for publication in any other editorial office. The texts are evaluated and qualified for printing. Initial approval of the article takes about 2 weeks, the review process up to 4 months, and publication up to 6 months in total. The texts are evaluated and qualified for printing. Each article is evaluated by two reviewers. Authors and reviewers do not know each other. Both, the assessment criteria and the reviewers list can be found on the website. The authors are informed about paper acceptance or rejection as well as about the guidelines as to make the necessary corrections. After completion of the editorial the writer receives the text for approval. The editorial board reserves the right to publish the article on the website „The Skrzatusz Annals”. The editorial board introduces time limits for the publication of the reviewed books. The Polish-language books cannot be older than two years since the release of „The Skrzatusz Annals”. However, the foreign language books cannot be older than 4 years.

The criteria for reviewing scientific articles

Reviewers use the following criteria when evaluating articles:
1. Compliance with the content of the title.
2. Compliance abstracts and keywords of the article with its content.
3. Substantive value of the work.
4. Competent approach to work structure.
5. The correctness of applied scientific terminology.
6. Proper conclusions.
7. The correctness of citations of literature.
8. The suitability of the manuscript.

The formula review is attached (rs_formularz_recenzji.doc).

The procedure of review
1. All articles submitted by authors are to be reviewed.
2. The review is a two-stage process.
3. The Scientific Council together with scientific editors review the articles on the first
    stage of the procedure of reviewing.
4. The accepted texts – initially improved – are given to reviewers, experts in the field.
5. Reviewers are not the members of the editorial board of „The Skrzatusz Annals”.

Reviewers do not know the names and affiliation of the author of the article, the author does not know the names of reviewers („double-blind review process”). The reviewers are to give to the editor their opinions within three months, then the opinions of the editor are sent to the author. The reviews must have a written form and an unambiguous conclusion as for the conditions of publishing the article, or a clear and well-founded conclusion regarding its rejection. If the reviewers accept the article conditionally, that is, if the author is asked to correct the article, he must do it within 2 months.

Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE) cope_eng.pdf

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